Hello Everyone!

Hi!, Since you have reached this site, i am pretty sure that you are looking for some ways on how you are going to deal with the troubles that you are experiencing in your life. If you are in deep trouble right now, i suggest you stop for a while, take a deep breath and pray. I do hope that this site could provide you some insights on how you are going to deal with problems in your life. Please feel free to browse the content of this site, you can also leave some comments if you want. Sharing the problems that you have right now is also welcome.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

God Heals - Matthew 8:5-17

In the Gospel today, God reminds us that when we encounter problem, all we need to do is to have faith. Many times in the bible have God said that “Your faith has healed you.” So definitely if we believe in God, anything can happen.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Daily Gospel Reading (Matthew 16:13-19)

Today I was encouraged by someone to read the gospel everyday and here it is my first reflection of the Gospel for today.

Before I start, for those who do not know, the Apostles Peter and Paul are commemorated today.